
The Why, What, Who, How, Where, and When

D. Paul Beck

This work is focused upon making salvation clear to its reader. While asking the questions of why, what, who, how, where, and when pertaining to salvation, it is intended that the reader will gain an appreciation for the different salvation offers that have been made throughout history, that they will identify how our salvation differs from that of the nation Israel’s, and that they will become laser focused upon the gospel of our salvation (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and through it, they will reject false teachings and false gospel messages that will not ultimately reconcile them to their Creator.



Rightly Divided

Dr. Paul Felter

The book of Revelation rightly divided according to 2nd Timothy 2:15. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV. Paul answers the following questions and more: 1. Who is the intended audience of the book of Revelation. 2. Do the seven letters to the seven churches apply to us today? 3. Is John an apostle to the church or Israel? 4. Is chapter 4 verse one a type of the rapture? And many more questions answered.



Study Notes

David O’Steen

The book of Revelation is one of the most feared, maligned, and misunderstood books of the Bible. People think it is too mysterious and difficult to understand, which is ironic considering its title; it is called the Apocalypse (which means “an unveiling”), not the Apocrypha (which means “hidden”). The purpose of this book is to reveal, not to conceal. The problem is not that men cannot understand it, but that they will not believe it! What was sealed in Daniel’s prophecy (Dan. 12:4, 9) and is revealed in this book (Rev. 22:10), which is the consummation of the prophetic kingdom program of Israel.



Study Notes

David O’Steen

Romans was not the first epistle that the apostle Paul wrote by inspiration of God, but it is placed first in the order of his thirteen epistles because it is the foundational book of doctrine for this present age of grace. This great epistle systematically and logically explains how the righteous God can justify (to declare righteous) unrighteous sinners by faith alone.


Bible Game Changer

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

Robert Murray

It is the goal of this book to both introduce and, thereafter, reinforce “rightly dividing the Word of Truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) using the King James Bible. It is further hoped that the provision of 366 readings will allow the reader some daily exposure to the Word of God in a relatively short reading, while being challenged to want to go deeper and spend greater time studying the Scripture.


Understanding 1-2 Thessalonians

An Examination

Don Samdahl

1-2 Thessalonians were Paul’s first letters, written shortly after the Jerusalem Council, which settled the question of the gospel and salvation. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture and the advent of the man of the lawlessness, the Beast of Revelation, are the primary subjects of the letters. They were the first subjects Paul taught and wrote about to the Thessalonians after they believed the gospel. The letters also reveal Paul, with the rest of the apostles, thought the Lord would return soon—in their lifetime. These letters assure members of the Church that they will not undergo the Tribulation.



Study Notes

David O’Steen

Understanding the book of Acts is essential to understanding the New Testament. There are dispensational and doctrinal differences between the Gospel records and Paul’s epistles. The book of Acts provides the explanation for those differences. Rightly dividing the word of truth is the key to understanding the Bible (2 Tim. 2:15). The main division in the Bible is between prophecy concerning Israel (Acts 3:21) and the mystery of the Body of Christ (Rom. 16:25). The Acts of the Apostles is the historical record of God transitioning from Israel to the Body of Christ, from the gospel of the kingdom to the gospel of the grace of God, from Law to Grace, and from the ministry of the apostle Peter (chapters 1-12) to that of the apostle Paul (chapters 13-28).


We Are NOT Grafted In

Terence McLean

Most of Christianity believes their church was grafted into Israel’s promises and covenants but such is not the case and this booklet proves it. Coming from a King James Bible-believing mid-Acts Pauline dispensational perspective, award winning author Terence D. McLean explains with clarity and simplicity that Romans Chapter nine through eleven find Paul dealing with issues related to Israel and that no person alive for the past 2000 years could possibly be part of the grafted in people.


MAD About Hebrews


Terence McLean

Hebrews, difficult and controversial book that it is, becomes easily understandable when studied from the Bible-believing mid-Acts dispensational perspective. Who wrote the book, and who is Melchisadek, are just two of the many questions answered. This perfect bound 212 page book is written by Terence D. McLean, Amy Award winning columnist, mid-Acts grace pastor for 20+ years, radio broadcaster for 30 years.


Epistles of Peter

Study Notes

David O’Steen

The apostle Peter wrote two epistles by inspiration of God to the scattered kingdom saints to remind them of the words of the prophets and the twelve apostles concerning the last days and the coming of the Lord (2 Pet. 3:1-4). The emphasis in Peter’s first epistle is on suffering and glory. The emphasis in his second epistle is on the importance of having a true knowledge of God and the danger of false doctrine.



Study Notes

David O’Steen

The church at Colosse was in danger of being beguiled and spoiled by false teaching that detracted from the supremacy and all-sufficiency of Christ as Head of the church and the blessed truth that all the members of His Body are complete in Him (Col. 2:8-10). Just as Galatians was written to correct doctrine contrary to that which is set forth in Romans, so Colossians was written to correct doctrine contrary to that which is set forth in Ephesians. In Ephesians, the emphasis is on the Body of Christ but in Colossians, it is on the Head of the Body. Philippians is a letter of reproof for not holding the members of the Body in the right regard, but Colossians is a letter of correction for not holding the Head of the Body (Col. 2:19). Colossians supplements Ephesians by giving the same teaching in a condensed form, with the added warning and correction of false doctrine.


Understanding the Jewish Writings

Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude, Revelation

Don Samdahl

Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude, and Revelation comprise the Jewish writings that follow the Gospels. Addressed to Jews who had believed the gospel of the kingdom, that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, they continue the message of the Gospels and expand on God’s prophetic program revealed by the Old Testament prophets of God’s wrath and earthy kingdom. Particular attention is given to what Jesus meant with His warning that the one who endured to the end would be saved and overcoming, what He meant by the unforgivable sin of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and difficult passages such as Hebrews 6. Apparent contradictions of these writings when compared to Paul’s letters are also resolved.


The Bible: the Big Picture

John and Lori Verstegen

This 78 page booklet is a fascinating overview of how the Bible progressively reveals God’s plan to reconcile all things, both in heaven and on the earth, through the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Understanding Your Bible

S. Craig MacDonald

This is a wonderful guide to helping the average person study and understand God’s Word for himself.  This book is simple and straight forward. It includes helpful charts and end-of-chapter study questions, making it ideal for a study group (middle-school age through adults).


The Master Key to Understanding the Bible

Paul Felter

Paul commanded Timothy to rightly divide the word of Truth. By rightly dividing the word of Truth all the troubling issues disappear. Right division is the process of determining the correct audience for each book of the Bible. The Bible is all truth, but it is not all our truth. God dealt with Israel before the Church began and will deal with Israel after the dispensation of Grace ends. They have their truth and we have ours. Students of the Word have issues that are easily corrected by following Paul’s command.


Basics of Mid Acts Dispensationalism

Terence D. McLean

Seriously examine the arguments within this book and make up your own mind. This book solves many contradictions that people struggle with within the Bible. This short book highlights the very important differences between Paul’s teaching of the mystery revelation of the Church and Jesus’ earthly ministry which was all about the Kingdom gospel. Jesus and Paul spoke to different audiences with different gospels, though it was Jesus who appeared to Paul and commissioned him to become the apostle of the gentiles.


God’s Programs

Don Samdahl

God’s Programs starts at the beginning, in Genesis, and takes the reader through the Scriptures. The fact so many denominations and churches exist is a testimony to the confusion in understanding the Bible. Much confusion is the result of tradition rather than from what the Bible says. But the Bible is not difficult to understand when one sees how it is organized, what is written, and to whom it is written.

God has given the Scriptures to reveal Himself, His plan for mankind, to show why things are the way they are, and to reveal what lies ahead. Most of Christendom does not understand God has created five great programs: Mankind, Israel, Church, Kingdom, and Eternity. Each program is examined to reveal its significance in God’s plan.

When the Bible is allowed to speak for itself, the light of understanding will shine. The goal of this book is to open the Scriptures and guide the reader to see what God has revealed.


Things That Differ

Cornelius R. Stam

This volume demonstrates how the dispensational method of Bible study is the method God approves, and the only one by which the Bible makes sense. It shows the perfect harmony between the changeless principles of God and His changing dispensations. This book points out the distinctions between Prophecy and the Mystery, the kingdom of heaven and the Body of Christ, the ministries of Peter and Paul, etc.


Study Notes on Dispensational Truth

David O’Steen

God does not change in His person, principles, or promises, but He does change in His dealings with man. If you do not recognize this fact, the Bible will be a confusing book to you because we cannot possibly obey all of the instructions found within its pages. Rightly dividing the word of truth is not an issue of dividing truth from error because there are no errors in the Bible. It is an issue of recognizing and consistently maintaining the divisions that God put in His word. What was truth for Israel under the law may not be truth for the Body of Christ under grace. This is the dispensational approach to Bible study.


Satan and His Plan of Evil

Keith Blades

A wonderful resource that assists in explaining the Bible and the differences (2 Tim 2:15 – rightly dividing) between the period of time and the program (dispensation) pertaining to the Jews/Israel and the present time of the Christian Church, the body of Christ. This book explains those subjects and how it is that the god of this world, Satan or Lucifer, uses religion and the gospel of the Jewish church (pertaining to the Jews and the remnant church or called out assembly of Jews who followed Jesus and the 12 Apostle’s teachings – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) to confuse todays Christian.  Today, in this God’s current program or dispensation, Christians are to follow primarily the teachings and the gospel that was given to Paul the Apostle who is the Apostle for the Gentiles AND Jews today, as God sees no difference between Jew and Gentile today.  All persons today are saved by ONLY Grace through Faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross and cannot perform any type of good works to contribute to their own salvation.  This is the Good news that only Paul taught through his writings and Paul was given that good news by the resurrected and glorified Heavenly Jesus Christ Himself.


Start Rightly Dividing

Justin Johnson

For many people, Bible study never starts right. A culture of doubt and suspicion has influenced Christians to treat the Bible like any other book: subject to change, mistakes, and a million interpretations. Poorly educated pastors perpetuate the myth that the Bible is too hard for the lowly layman to understand and that advanced tools and linguistic skills are needed to decipher its mysteries and contradictions. Add the cacophony of confusion created by a smorgasbord of denominations and internet theologians, and it is no wonder false starts turn into not starting at all. It is possible to study to show yourself approved unto God and be an unashamed workman of the Lord Jesus Christ, but it requires you start rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). If you are asking, “What is right division?”, “Where do I begin?”, or “How do I start?”, then this book is designed to help.


The Mystery

Joel Finck

An easy-reading introduction to Mid Acts Dispensationalism. Pastor Joel Finck does not fill this book with his opinions or speculations about Scripture, but what the Scriptures actually say.  This book logically lays out the process of true inductive Bible study.


A Dispensational Theology

Charles F. Baker

A complete theology book with emphasis on dispensational perspectives, and their related scriptural references, written to be useful for the layman by avoiding theological jargon. An important study guide to clear up the prevalent misunderstandings and misconceptions among Christians concerning the methods and results of dispensational interpretation. Mr. Baker doesn’t simply duplicate what has already been written, but he gives prominence to that which has been neglected: the dispensational thrust of the scriptures.


The Unsearchable Riches of Christ

J.C. O’Hair

An excellent review of the fundamentals in understanding the mystery of Christ.


Study Notes: Books of the Bible

David O’Steen

In becoming students of the Bible, we must begin by gaining an overview of the entire Bible because it will greatly help us in understanding its details. Sometimes we cannot see the forest because of the trees. The Bible is one Book made up of many different books. God used about 40 different writers from various backgrounds and locations over a period of about 1,500 years to write the 66 books of the Bible, which cover 7,000 years of human history and provide glimpses into eternity past and future. It is best to start with a panoramic view of the whole Bible before we examine its books, chapters, verses, and words. It is important in Bible study to keep the larger context in mind. In other words, a verse must be studied in light of the surrounding passage, the passage in light of the chapter, the chapter in light of the book, the book in light of the testament, and the testament in light of the whole Bible.


Acts – Dispensationally Considered, Vol 1

Cornelius R. Stam

Far more than an inspired storybook, Acts presents a clear line of teaching and explains why the fulfillment of prophecy was interrupted some nineteen centuries ago to make way for the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the Mystery. Appropriately this book has been called “the book between.” As far as the structure of the Scriptures is concerned it fits perfectly between the four records of our Lord’s earthly ministry and the epistles of Paul.


Acts – Dispensationally Considered, Vol 2

Cornelius R. Stam

Acts is the most fascinating story book of the Bible and at the same time the most important key to the understanding God’s dealing with man today. It is one of the great dispensational books of the Bible, with a clear line teaching throughout. It is impossible to rightly divide the Word of truth without an understanding of the Book of Acts.


Understanding the Body of  Christ

C.F. Baker

This is a simple and clear dispensational study of Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. Mr. Baker illuminates these texts with easy-to-understand distinctive insights and commentary.


Paul – Apostle of Secrets

Don Samdahl

Paul is widely known as “the apostle of the Gentiles” and “the apostle of the grace of God.” Few recognize him as “the apostle of secrets.” Yet this title is his most defining description.

Paul: Apostle of Secrets, examines Paul’s life and teachings and how the risen Christ commissioned him as His “secret agent” to found the Church, the body of Christ, and reveal all its doctrines. Through Paul’s unique apostleship, God disclosed secrets He had kept hidden for thousands of years that every Christian should know and understand.


Shot at and Missed

Terrence D. McLean

Mid-Acts Pauline Dispensationalism is often misunderstood and maligned by those unfamiliar, uninformed or unaware of what it actually teaches. This book answers all the issues raised by the opposition in a clear and concise manner. Those who have already read “Basics of mid-Acts Dispensationalism” by this same author may well have been convinced of the value of being Pauline in doctrine, but when the attacks started, perhaps those new to the concept were taken aback. This new book handles the hurdles, answers the issues, and can take the reader to the next level of understanding mid-Acts dispensationalism and what the issues are. Five dollars is a small price to pay for what this book provides.


Our Great Commission: What Is It?

C.R. Stam

This book explains the truth of Scripture that the “great commission” was directed to the nation of Israel and not to the Church, the body of Christ.  This book clearly explains why that is.  Christians today are under Paul’s direction to be “ambassadors for Christ.”  In the future, Israel will “make disciples of all nations” when Christ is seated on David’s throne in Jerusalem during the Millennial Kingdom.


The Twofold Purpose of God

C.R. Stam

This book is recommended for those who are new to the message of Grace. Pastor Stam effectively contrasts the two programs of God in relation to the incarnation, death, burial and resurrection of Christ.


Complete in Him

Lori Verstegen

Enjoy daily glimpses into some of the many blessings that are ours in Christ and get to know the Lord more intimately as the One who loves you, who gave Himself for you, and who continues to give out of the riches of His grace. Each page of this booklet focuses on one blessing we have in Christ, from A-Z. It is perfect for daily devotions. In addition, because all scripture references are provided in an appendix in the back, it also can be used for group Bible study. It makes a wonderful gift, too. Here are the first four blessings: Accepted in the Beloved, wherein dwells God’s love, Blessed with all spiritual blessings in heaven above, Crucified, buried, and raised with Him, Delivered from the power of sin.


Understanding the Gospels

C.F. Baker

This volume is the fruit of many years of study. Mr. Baker is a diligent Bible scholar and author. Following his outstanding work, A Dispensational Theology, he found himself another worthwhile assignment. A dispensational commentary on the gospels was an urgent need, and Mr. Baker spent three years writing and refining his book. His primary objective was to show the relationship between the earthly teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and those of the Old Testament prophets, the Book of Acts, the Pauline epistles, and the future development of the Kingdom of God. After much study and prayer, and with the guidance of the Spirit of God, he has accomplished this task.


What Do They Believe

Andrew R. Rappaport

What do Jewish people believe? What do Muslims believe? Do you have answers ready for a Mormon or a JehovahÍs Witness? Have you ever wished that there was a resource to review the systematic theology of other religions? Now there is one! Using mostly original sources, What Do They Believe? will help you to get an accurate understanding of what other religions believe.


American Dictionary of the English Language (1828 Facsimile Edition)

Noah Webster

A perfect companion to the King James Version of the Bible. This 1828 facsimile reprint of the first American Dictionary documents the quality of Biblical education which raised up American statesmen capable of forming our Constitutional Republic. Webster traced roots in twenty-six languages, and gives examples from classical literature and the Bible. Comprehensive introductions are presented for language and grammar. It has been described by one Christian scholar as “the greatest reprint of the twentieth century.” The added biography by Rosalie Slater, “Noah Webster, Founding Father of American Scholarship and Education,” describes his contribution to many fields and records his conversion to Christ.