Mid Acts "Pauline" Positions
Useful Charts & Timelines
Stop … Wait … How Did I Miss This?
The 20,000 Foot View of the Bible
Why Such Confusion?
To Cut Straight, to Handle Aright
Time Past, But Now, Ages to Come – What’s The Significance?
Do You Follow Prophecy, Mystery, or Both?
An Interview with the Apostle Paul
Are There Errors, Mistakes, or Contradictions Within the Bible?
Are there Contradictions in the Bible?
Bible Contradictions
Which Testament is the Church Found In?
New Covenant According to Prophecy
Law vs. Grace
Evidence for a Young Age of the Earth
A Biblical Response to the Claim that Joe Biden is the Antichrist
What about the Rapture?
Should I leave my church if it does not Rightly Divide the word of truth?
Right Division Primer (WIP):
Primer Definition
Introductory Questions
What is Mid Acts Pauline Dispensationalism (MAPD)?
What Critics Have Said
Appendix A: Questions Every Christian Should Investigate
Salvation Book (see BookStore page):
Why do we need Salvation?
What is Salvation?
Who is the Saviour?
How does Salvation work?
Where is the Offer of Salvation found?
When does Salvation happen for the Christian?
The Eternal Security Debate
When does Salvation happen for Israel?
God’s Glory After Salvation
Does Mark 16:9-20 belong in the Bible?:
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Sonship Edification Warning:
Pastor Bryan Ross’ “Sonship Edification” Research: 286 Page PDF

START HERE: Confusion of doctrine exists within the Church.
There is more than one “church” within Scripture.
Israel is under a Prophecy program and the Church, the body of Christ, is under a Mystery program.
The Bible can be divided into three sections: Time Past, But Now, Ages to Come.
Odds are you have been influenced by Tradition.
The Church, the body of Christ, did not start in Acts 2.
Saul of Tarsus (the apostle Paul) was the first member of the Church, the body of Christ.
The apostle Paul is our, the body of Christ’s, example – he is to be the pattern for us to follow.
The apostle Paul is the Church’s apostle (“the apostle of the Gentiles”) and the 12 were the apostles to Israel.
The Pauline Epistles (Romans to Philemon) are all that apply to the Church, the body of Christ, for doctrine.
The apostle Paul gave himself the title “the apostle of the Gentiles,” but a more fitting title would be “the apostle of mysteries” (or secrets), as this title is his most defining description.
A comparison between 1 Corinthians 1:23 and Acts 3:12-15 demonstrates to the Church two completely separate views of Christ’s crucifixion.
There is more than one gospel within Scripture.
The Gospel is not a matter of progressive revelation.
The Gospel of the Kingdom and the Gospel of the Grace of God are different gospels and neither John the Baptist, Christ, nor Peter and the twelve ever preached the Gospel of the Grace of God that the apostle Paul preached.
Luke’s account of the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15), held in 51 AD, reveals how different Paul’s gospel was from the gospel proclaimed by the believing Jews at Jerusalem.
The teaching of grace is concerned with the gospel that saves us.
Although every man at any time is saved by the grace of God through faith, the content of faith differs from one dispensation to the next.
The content of faith, what a Jew had to believe during Jesus’ earthly ministry, as part of the Gospel of the Kingdom was based in the identify of Jesus the Christ.
Water baptism was intrinsic to the salvation message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
There is no need for water baptism for the Christian within this current dispensation.
Within the Jewish economy (the time periods before and after the Church (the dispensation of the grace of God)), faith and works were (and will be) required for salvation.
After the rejection and crucifixion of Christ, Israel was provided a “one year extension of mercy,” per the parable in Lk 13:6-9, and a second offer of the kingdom (Acts 3:19-21) was made by Peter to the nation Israel.
What is referred to as the “unpardonable sin” (Mk 3:28-29, Mt 12:31-31, Lk 12:10 (actually referred to as “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” in Scripture)) finds its ultimate fulfillment at the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7.
The “Great Commission” of Mt 28:18-20, Mk 16:15-20, Lk 24:45-50, and Acts 1:1-8, was instruction for Israel and is not instruction for the Church, the body of Christ.
The Church, the body of Christ, will not return with Christ at His Second Coming.
Israel will be on planet earth during the Millennial reign of Christ (the Millennial Kingdom) and the Church, the body of Christ, will be in heaven.
The Church, the body of Christ, is not under the New Covenant.
The Church is not the bride of Christ, it is the body of Christ – the bride of Christ is actually a city, the New Jerusalem.
Ephesians 5:31-33 has nothing to do with “the bride of Christ,” but rather a relationship between Christ and His Church.
Since the Church is the body of Christ, if Christ is the bridegroom aren’t we part of His groomsmanship and thus, we are of the bridegroom and not the bride?
Christians are not “sheep” and Jesus Christ is not identified as the body of Christ’s “shepherd”.
The Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7) is the constitution for the kingdom to be established on earth after Christ’s Second Coming.
The teaching of the “Romans Road” confuses the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of the Grace of God.
The divisions of Old Testament and New Testament within our Bibles are incorrect.
The Bible reveals six distinct periods, administrations, or programs and provides a framework that reveals how God has structured His progressive revelation.
The Bible can be “divided” multiple ways, as taught by the apostle Paul: Prophecy vs. Mystery, “Times Past, But Now, Ages to Come,” Faith to Faith, Law vs. Grace, Faith vs. Works, and Dispensations.
The Book of Revelation reads like an Old Testament book and that is because most of its symbols and imagery are found in the Prophets.
Right Division brings clarity as to the author of Hebrews
The Bible does not Instruct the Christian to Confess their Sins
Our gracious God wrote specific instructions and insight for the remnant of Jews that will endure Daniel’s 70th Week, the Tribulation Period, and it is found within the Hebrew Epistles