Bible Contradictions

Prophecy/Mystery Contradictions:

  • Were the mysteries revealed before the death of Christ? – Mt 13:11 vs. 1 Cor 2:7-8
  • What was prepared before/since the world began? – Mt 25:34 vs. Eph 1:3-4
  • Was the work of Jesus prophesied or kept hidden? – Lk 24:44 vs. Eph 3:9
  • Was the message for today known by the prophets? – Acts 3:24 vs. Col 1:26
  • Can we understand the things God has prepared? – Isa 64:4 vs. 1 Cor 2:10 
  • Was the book of Acts the end or the beginning? – Acts 2:17 vs. 1 Tim 1:16 

Gospel Contradictions:

  • Is the gospel by which you are saved the gospel of the kingdom or the gospel of the cross of Christ? – Mk 1:14-15 vs. 1 Cor 15:1-4 
  • Was the gospel made known or kept secret? – Rom 16:25 vs. Acts 3:21 
  • Did the twelve disciples understand the gospel or not? – Lk 9:2 vs. Lk 18:34 
  • Is the gospel ‘believe’ or repentance and baptism? – Acts 2:38 vs. Acts 16:31 
  • Are we to preach the gospel of the kingdom or the gospel of grace? – Lk 9:2 vs. Acts 20:24 
  • Was the cross something shameful or something glorious? – Acts 3:13-15 vs. Gal 6:14
  • Are we justified with or without works? – Rom 4:5 vs. James 2:24 
  • Was Christ’s blood shed for many or for all? – Mt 20:28 vs. 1 Tim 2:6 
  • Do animal sacrifices atone for sins? – Lev 16:27 vs. Heb 10:4 
  • Is God imputing sins against us? – Acts 5:1-10 vs. Rom 4:8 
  • Do we need works for righteousness? – James 2:24 vs. Tit 3:5 
  • Is salvation ‘not of works’ or by our behavior? – Eph 2:8-9 vs. Lk 10:25-29 
  • Was Abraham justified by works or not by works? – James 2:21-23 vs. Rom 4:2-3 
  • How are sins forgiven? – Jn 20:23 vs. Col 1:14 
  • Is forgiveness conditional or not? – Mt 6:14-15 vs. Eph 4:32 
  • Does grace abound or is there an unforgivable sin? – Mk 3:29 vs. Rom 5:20 
  • Are we at peace with God? – Mt 3:7 vs. Rom 5:1 

Jew/Gentile Contradictions:

  • Is there a distinction between Jew and Gentile? – Mt 15:26 vs. Gal 3:28 
  • Jews saved ‘in due time’ or ‘out of due time’? – 1 Pet 5:6 vs. 1 Cor 15:8 
  • Salvation of the Jews or the Gentiles? – Jn 4:22 vs. Rom 11:11 
  • Gentile blessing through Israel’s rise or fall? – Acts 3:25 vs. Rom 11:11 
  • Will the Gentiles receive salvation? – Acts 28:28 vs. Rom 1:28 
  • Did the Lord tell the apostles to go to Jerusalem first? – Lk 24:47 vs. Gal 1:17 
  • Christ is at the right hand for whom? – Acts 5:31-32 vs. Eph 1:19-23 
  • Who is the audience for the gospel? – Mt 10:5-7 vs. 2 Tim 1:11 
  • Are we saved into one nation (Israel) or one Body? – Isa 60:3 vs. Eph 2:16 
  • Are we a part of the seedline or adopted? – Gen 9:9 vs. Gal 4:5 
  • Jesus ministry to circumcision or Paul’s ministry to Gentiles? – Rom 15:8 vs. Rom 15:16 
  • Did Paul have mutual faith with uncircumcised Romans or with Jesus ministry to the circumcision? – Rom 1:12 vs. Rom 15:8 

Contradictions about the Law:

  • Are we under the law or not under the law? – Mt 5:19 vs. Rom 6:14 
  • Is Sabbath observance required? – Exo 20:8-10 vs. Col 2:16
  • Is circumcision necessary? – Gen 17:10-14 vs. Gal 5:2-6
  • Is the law for righteous men? – Mt 5:17-18 vs. 1 Tim 1:7-8 
  • Are we dead to the law or should we follow it? – Mt 23:1-3 vs. Rom 7:3 
  • Does righteousness come by the law? – Deut 6:25 vs. Rom 10:3-6
  • Is the law a sign of strength or weakness? – Josh 1:7 vs. Gal 4:9
  • Should we tithe? – Mt 23:23 vs. 2 Cor 9:7 
  • Is giving (tithing) a punishable requirement? – Mal 3:8 vs. 2 Cor 9:7
  • Should Sabbath laws be enforced? – Num 15:32-36 vs. Gal 4:10-11
  • Liberty or bondage of the law? – Mt 23:1-2 vs. Gal 5:1
  • Do we need a temple? – Acts 2:46 vs. 1 Cor 3:16
  • Are the laws of abomination still effectual? – Mt 24:15 vs. Gal 4:9-11
  • Are we secure in Christ or our continued behavior? – 2 Tim 2:13 vs. Heb 10:26-27 

Commission Contradictions:

  • Go to ‘all men’ or just to Israel? – Mt 10:5-6 vs. Tit 2:11
  • Should they carry money or not? – Lk 10:4-5 vs. Lk 22:35-36
  • Should the disciples go to all nations or only circumcision? – Mt 28:19 vs. Gal 2:9 
  • Was Paul sent to baptize? – Mt 28:19 vs. 1 Cor 1:17 
  • Are they baptized by Jesus or into Jesus? – Jn 4:1 vs. Rom 6:3
  • Are we to witness Christ’s earthly ministry? – 2 Cor 5:16 vs. Acts 1:22
  • Should Peter take a sword? – Lk 22:36 vs. Mt 26:52
  • Should we meditate about what to speak? – 1 Tim 4:15 vs. Lk 21:14
  • Does the Holy Spirit give utterance or do we? – Acts 6:9-10 vs. Col 4:6
  • Are the gainsayers able to resist? – Lk 21:15 vs. Tit 1:9
  • Is Paul or Peter the masterbuilder upon Christ? – Mt 16:18-19 vs. 1 Cor 3:10 
  • Is Paul the least or the ‘chiefest’ of the Apostles? – 2 Cor 11:5 vs. 1 Cor 15:9 
  • Was Paul the first or the last? – 1 Cor 15:8 vs. 1 Tim 1:16
  • How do we know what to say and believe? – Mk 13:11 vs. 2 Tim 3:15-17 

Contradictions about our Service to God:

  • Who is responsible for our soul? – Heb 13:7 vs. Rom 14:12
  • Do we get the Holy Spirit upon belief or baptism? – Acts 2:38 vs. Eph 1:13
  • Do we need to confess sins to get forgiveness? – 1 Jn 1:9 vs. Col 2:13
  • Do we eat animals? – Gen 1:29 vs. Gen 9:3
  • Which animals do we eat? – Deut 14:3 vs. 1 Tim 4:4
  • Are we to keep unity or honor separation? – Eph 4:3 vs. Rom 16:17
  • Be like the ant or the raven? – Prov 6:6-8 vs. Lk 12:22-24
  • Should we work for food or not? – Mt 6:25-26 vs. 1 Tim 5:18
  • Should we sell all or provide for our family? – 1 Tim 3:5-6 vs. Mk 10:17-22 
  • Should we judge? – Mt 7:1-2 vs. 1 Cor 2:15
  • Should ministers work for food? – Lk 10:4-5 vs. 2 Thes 3:8-11
  • Is having a child a good or bad thing? – Mt 24:19 vs. 1 Tim 5:14
  • Does the Holy Spirit stay or leave when we do wrong? – Ps 51:11 vs. Eph 4:30 
  • Do we need a teacher? – 1 Jn 2:27 vs. 2 Tim 2:2 vs. Eph 4:11 

Baptism Contradictions:

  • Are we sent to baptize? – 1 Cor 1:17 vs. Mk 16:16
  • Does the gospel include water baptism? – 1 Cor 15:1-4 vs. Mk 1:4 
  • One baptism or more? – Eph 4:5 vs. Mt 3:11 

Future Events Contradictions:

  • Peace on earth or not? – Lk 2:14 vs. Lk 12:51
  • Do the Jews have a special standing before God? – Deut 7:6 vs. Col 3:11
  • Do we inherit the earth or heaven? – Mt 5:5 vs. Col 1:3-5
  • Is the coming of the Lord a time of terror or comfort? – Joel 2:1-11 vs. 1 Thes 4:16 
  • Looking for earthly dominion or heavenly? – Phil 3:20 vs. Mt 6:10
  • Will we endure through the wrath or be delivered? – Mt 24:13 vs. 1 Thes 1:10
  • Plowshares or swords? – Joel 3:10 vs. Mic 4:3
  • Physical blessings or spiritual blessings in heaven? – Lk 12:32 vs. Eph 1:3
  • Future or present atonement? – Acts 3:19 vs. Rom 5:11
  • Future or present grace? – 1 Pet 1:13 vs. Rom 5:2
  • Will we reign in heaven or on earth? – Lk 22:30 vs. Eph 2:6 

Prayer Contradictions:

  • How often do we need to pray before it is answered? – Isa 65:24 vs. Eph 6:18 
  • Do we get anything we ask in prayer? – Mt 21:22 vs. 2 Cor 12:8-9
  • Should we know how to pray or not? – Lk 11:1 vs. Rom 8:26
  • Do we get what we ask or more than we ask? – Mt 21:22 vs. Eph 3:20 
  • Do apostles have the power to heal? – Mk 16:18 vs. 1 Tim 5:23 
  • Can we expect a healing from God? – Isa 53:5 vs. 2 Cor 12:7-10 

General Contradictions:

  • Was creation good or bad? – Gen 1:31 vs. Gen 6:6
  • Were the Jerusalem saints poor or not? – Acts 4:34 vs. Rom 15:26
  • Do we need to teach ‘Know the Lord’? – Jer 31:34 vs. 1 Tim 4:10-11
  • Are we washed by water or the Spirit? – Acts 22:16 vs. 1 Cor 6:11
  • Is it greater love to die for your friends or enemies? – Jn 15:13-14 vs. Rom 5:10 
  • Are angels teaching us or are we teaching them? – Zech 1:9 vs. Eph 3:10
  • Jesus was the stumbling stone or cornerstone? – Rom 9:18-33 vs. Eph 2:19-22 






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