Definition of Terms (WIP)

<a> Right Division The key to understanding the Bible.  To acknowledge and consistently maintain within your Bible Study the divisions that God put in His Word. Prophecy <a> Mystery <a> Little Flock <a> Middle Wall of Partition <a> Dispensationalism <a> … Continued

Introductory Questions

Before turning an additional page within this Primer, it is critical that you ask yourself the following questions.  If you do not know the answers to these questions, ask your pastor, priest, or another Christian that you fellowship with and do … Continued

Bible Contradictions

Prophecy/Mystery Contradictions: Were the mysteries revealed before the death of Christ? – Mt 13:11 vs. 1 Cor 2:7-8 What was prepared before/since the world began? – Mt 25:34 vs. Eph 1:3-4 Was the work of Jesus prophesied or kept hidden? … Continued