The teaching of grace is concerned with the gospel that saves us (Rom 1:16):
- It is through Christ’s blood, apart from any works, given first to Paul.
- Salvation, during this dispensation, is by grace alone (Eph 2:8-9) and that is taught through Paul’s epistles alone.
- The problem is that many denominations add things to Eph 2:8-9 – water baptism, speaking in tongues, “showing fruits meet for repentance” (Mt 3:8 – showing through your actions that you are saved), etc..
- There is a need within the body of Christ for the clear teaching of the grace of God. The confusion needs to be removed.
- The confusion is removed when you rightly divide the Scriptures.
- Man’s religion, his source of pride, is also removed.
- The majority of the Bible was written under the Law (Lev 18:5, Deut 32:46-47, Lev 26):
- Jesus was born under the Law (Gal 4:4-5).
- Jesus taught the Law (Rom 15:8, Lk 10:25-28, Mk 12:29-31).
- Jesus fulfilled the Law (Mt 5:17-19).
- Since we are now under grace (Rom 6:14) and not under the Law, we should not go back to the books of the Law to get our doctrine.
- That includes Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as they are “Old Testament” books (Heb 9:15-17).
- The apostle Paul calls the Law “vain jangling” in 1 Tim 1:4-7 and this is certainly counter to what Moses and Jesus taught about the Law.
- Jesus and Paul had two totally different teachings concerning the Law.
- Moses and Jesus taught the keeping of the Law and Paul taught that Christians are not under the Law, but under grace.
- The Law was a “schoolmaster” to show us our sin. (Gal 3:24-25)