Joel prophesied to the southern kingdom of Judah. There are historical references (chastening with a plague of locusts) but the majority of the book looks ahead to the “day of the LORD.” Even the historical event of the locusts is used to illustrate the army of locusts in the tribulation period (Joel 1:4-6; Rev 9:1-11). The day of the LORD is not a 24-hour period but a prophetic day which includes the tribulation period, the battle of Armageddon, the Second Advent of Christ, and the Millennial Kingdom.
I. Desolation 1:1-2:17
A. Proclamation (1)
B. Tribulation (2:1-11)
C. Humiliation (2:12-17)
Il. Deliverance (2:28-3:21)
A. The promise of restoration (2:18-27)
B. The promise to pour out the Spirit (2:28-32)
C. The promise of judgment on their enemies (3:1-17)
D. The promise of blessings (3:18-21)