The historical record of how the Lord used the apostle Paul to start the church at Philippi during his second missionary journey is found in Acts 16. This epistle of 4 chapters, 104 verses, and 2,183 words was written around 62 AD when Paul was a prisoner in Rome.
Philippians is a very practical book. Like most churches today, the church at Philippi was having trouble keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph 4:1-6; Phil 1:27; 2:1-3, 14-15; 4:2). The worthy walk of our high calling is a lowly walk of service.
In the second chapter Paul gives four great examples of sacrificial service in this epistle:
Christ (Phil 2:1-11)
Paul (Phil 2:12-18)
Timothy (Phil 2:19-24)
Epaphroditus (Phil 2:25-30)
Philippians is known as the joy book because joy is referred to 18 times. Paul was joyful as a prisoner who had endured much suffering. How so? True and lasting joy is found in Christ (Phil 1:21) and in the pathway of sacrificial service. The name “Christ” is mentioned 37 times in this epistle.
I. The Personal Circumstances of Paul (Phil 1:12-30) — the preaching of Christ
Il. The Pattern of Christ (Phil 2:1-30) — the humility of Christ
Ill. The Prize of Christ (Phil 3:1-21) — the knowledge of Christ
IV. The Peace of Christ (Phil 4:1-23) — the presence of Christ