Of the 150 Psalms, David’s name is inscribed on 73 of them, but we know he wrote more than 73 because the New Testament ascribes Psalm 2 and Psalm 95 to him also (Acts 4:25; Heb 4:7).  Some of the Psalms are anonymous and others were written by men such as Asaph (50, 73-83), Solomon (72, 127), the sons of Korah (42-49, 84-85, 87-88), Ethan (89), and Moses (90).  Psalms is the inspired prayer and praise book of Israel.  

The 150 Psalms are divided into 5 books that correspond with the 5 books of Moses.  The Psalms were divinely arranged in order and they are in the same order today in our Bible (Acts 13:33).  The Psalms speak much of the suffering and glory of Christ (Lk 24:44) and His people.  There is much prophecy in the book of Psalms.

The Five Books of Psalms:

1-41 — Genesis, Concerning Man (e.g., Ps. 8)

42-72 — Exodus, Concerning Israel as a Nation (e.g., Ps. 66)

73-89 — Leviticus, Concerning the Sanctuary (e.g., Ps. 84)

90-106 — Numbers, Concerning Israel and the Nations (e.g., Ps. 95)

107-150 — Deuteronomy, Concerning God and His Word (e.g., Ps. 119)



I. Psalms 1-41 — Genesis: Concerning Man

A. Man, and the Son of Man (1-8)

B. The Man of the Earth (9-15), the Antichrist

C. The Man Christ Jesus (16-41)

II. Psalms 42-72 — Exodus: Concerning Israel as a Nation

A. Israel’s Ruin (42-49)

B. Israel’s Redeemer (50-60)

C. Israel’s Redemption (61-72)

III. Psalms 73-89 — Leviticus: Concerning the Sanctuary

A. The Sanctuary in Relation to Man (73-83)

B. The Sanctuary in Relation to God (84-89)

IV. Psalms 90-106 — Numbers: Concerning Earth and the Nations

A. Rest for the Earth Desired (91-94)

B. Rest for the Earth Anticipated (95-100)

C. Rest for the Earth Valued (101-106)

V. Psalms 107-150 — Deuteronomy: Concerning God and His Word

A. Deliverance by the Healing Word (107-118)

B. Quickening and Sustaining by the Revealing Word (119-150)