OT vs. NT – An Incorrect Division (WIP)

The divisions of Old Testament and New Testament within our Bibles are incorrect:

  1. The “Old Testament” is referred to by Paul in 2 Cor 3:13-15 and is a reference to Moses and the Law.
  2. The “New Testament,” prophesied by Ezekiel and Jeremiah, was inaugurated by Christ at the end of His earthly ministry. (Mt 26:28, Heb 9:15-17)
  3. Since the “Old Testament” is the giving of the Law, that could not begin until the covenant of the Law actually was delivered in Exodus 19:5.
  4. Since the “New Testament” could not take effect without the death of the testator, placing a label of “New Testament” before Matthew 1:1, before Christ died on the Cross, is an error and is misleading.
  5. Mt, Mk, Lk, and Jn are doctrinally Old Testament books.
  6. The Church did not start in Acts 2 (Pentecost), but in Acts 9 with Saul of Tarsus receiving the revelation of the mystery, which the Lord Jesus Christ delivered to him:
    1. 1 Tim 1:16, 1 Cor 15:3, Eph 3:2, Col 1:25-26, 1 Cor 9:17, Gal 1:11-12, Phil 4:15, Rom 15:16, Acts 9:15, Rom 11:13
    2. Compare Acts 2 with Acts 5:30-31, Acts 10:28, Acts 11:1-2, Acts 18-19
    3. See Rom 11:11, Rom 11:25, Rom 16:25-26
  7. Thus there are three major divisions that publishers should use within our Bibles, not two:
    1. OT – Old Testament
    2. NT – New Testament
    3. MT – Mystery Truth
      1. You will, however, be hard-pressed to find any denomination, along with the overwhelming number of churches in America, preaching Christ “according to the revelation of the mystery” (Rom 16:25-26).
  8. In actuality, there are four major divisions within our Bibles:
    1. No Testament – Gen 1:1 to Ex 19:4
    2. Old Testament – Ex 19:5 to Acts 8:40
    3. Revelation of the Mystery – Acts 9:1 to Philemon 1:25
    4. New Testament – Heb 1:1 to Rev 22:21

One response to “OT vs. NT – An Incorrect Division (WIP)

  1. Actually is it not: 1. no Testament 2. Old Testament 3. New Testament 4. Old Testament, because the gentiles are back under conscience and the jews are under mosaic law?

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