The Pauline Epistles are all that Apply to the Church, the Body of Christ, for Doctrine (WIP)

The Pauline Epistles (Romans to Philemon) are all that apply to the Church, the body of Christ, for doctrine:

  1. All of the books of the Bible were written FOR you, but not all of the books of the Bible are written TO you (2 Tim 3:16).
  2. Mt, Mk, Lk, and Jn are OT books, written to/for Israel concerning the arrival of their Messiah/King (Rom 15:8).
  3. Acts is a book of transition.
  4. Romans to Philemon was written for the Church, the body of Christ, of which Paul was its unique apostle.
  5. Hebrews to Revelation was written for believing Jews during Daniel’s 70th Week (the Tribulation Period).
    1. These books are for the future and thus further demonstrate the supernatural nature of the Bible.
    2. Hebrews to Revelation are considered “Tribulation epistles.”
    3. Hebrews to Revelation are considered “Hebrew epistles.”
  6. Paul’s theology is not in the prophets, not in the four Gospels, and not in the writings of John, Peter, James, or Jude.
    1. Paul’s theology is unique revelation intended as doctrine for the Church, the body of Christ.

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